Sterling and Time Defense L.L.C.


Anthony C. L. Deveaux
Consultant for Personal, Family, Home, Business, Corporate and Industrial Security

5th Generation Canadian Military

5 Years Canadian Department National Defense

6 Years Canadian Law Enforcement

12 Years American Law Enforcement

Specialty Areas:

    1. Community Out Reach

    2. Crime Prevention

    3. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

    4. K-9 Handler

    5. Counter Terrorism

    6. Active Shooter Instructor

    7. Close Quarters Tactical Pen Instructor

    8. Close Quarters Edged Weapon Instructor

    9. Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Instructor

United States Conceal Carry Association

    1. Certified Counselor

    2. Certified Instructor

 Massad Ayoob Group

    1. Staff Instructor

    2. Instructor Course

    3. MAG-40

    4. MAG-20

National Rifle Association Credentials

    1. Certified Counselor

    2. Certified Instructor

    3. Chief Range Safety Officer 

    4. Certified Pistol and Certified Rifle

    5. Personal Protection In The Home

    6. Personal Protection Outside The Home

    7. Refuse to be a Victim

    8. Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program for Kids

    9. Life Member


Southern Minnesota Youth Rifle Training

    1. Director

    2. NRA Youth Rifle Training


Law Enforcement Medic EMT

Combat Medic EMT

Advanced Tactical Life Support First Aid Trainer

Field and Stream and Outdoor Life

  1. Seminar Speaker

    1. Personal, Family, And Home Defense

Contact us:

  1. Anthony Deveaux

  2. (507)261-5050
